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So, you want to grow a community, or an open source software project, or an entire ecosystem.

You, young padawan, have quite the ambition! And you’ve come to the right place…

What is Gardens?

Gardens allocates shared resources to grow thriving communities and ecosystems.

Gardens enshrines a community’s purpose in an onchain Covenant.

Gardens sources decisions through Conviction Voting Pools.

Gardens harnesses collective intelligence.

Gardens grows things 🌱

Introducing Gardens v2 🌱

Gat started on Gardens v2

These steps will walk you through creating a healthy community on Gardens v2. Need more help? Join our **Discord server* or Book a Gardens Demo*

Words to know in Gardens

Ecosystems - staking token for the community

Covenant - the community constitution

Council Safe - community moderators

Tribunal Safe - community arbitration

Pools - source decisions for the community

Community setup and admin

Create a Community

Governance Pool Library

Participate in a community